I did some quick sketches of girl heads today. I decided to paint them too. I'd like to start drawing subjects other than girls. I guess it's what I know best, being a girl and all. Oh well, at least I'm painting.
gouache (hence the name gouache girl heads)
I still want to learn how to use gouache... I might need to sign up for a lesson.
Can I pay you in cold stone ice cream?
Eren gladly accepts payments in cold stone ice cream as well as Wonka chocolate bars =)
shit, i can't afford coldstone but i am on a first name basis with the guy at the normandy mcdonalds if you ever need a frosty cold mcflurry. oreo or snicker, your choice my friend.
This is beautiful.
I draw girls all the time, too. Girls and cats. Good thing I get lots of jobs drawing girls or I'd be out of luck!
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