Sunday, March 22, 2009

hello baby!

(Emily on her second day, all photos in post by Uncle Richard)

Meet our little bundle of joy, Emily! She was born January 23rd of this year at the coolest hospital ever! (See photos below)

So here's the scoop on what I've been up to these past months...

My husband and I purchased our first home in November. We moved into our new home in December. And in January I gave birth to our first baby. Oh yeah, I illustrated a children's book during this time as well. More details on that later when it becomes available.

So for the past couple of months my time has been devoted to our little one. For anyone who has taken care of a newborn, you can understand why my blog is missing posts!

It's been a great year so far, and I'm totally enjoying my new role as a mom. I've taken a bit of a break but I look forward to posting again. This has been a very exciting and inspiring time in my life, and I anticipate more great things to come.

(The above painting by Mary Blair was hanging outside my hospital room)