I know the postings have been few, but today I have something new for you to view. Back in April and May I had the great pleasure of working with my good friend Matt Roberts and these are his character designs with a splash of color by yours truly. These guys are part of a story written by Matt for a nifty little anthology called "Hard 8" debuting this summer at Comic Con in San Diego. So if you happen to find yourself at Comic Con this July please check it out!
Hi Eren,
I just discovered your work from a link to a post you made last year about Mary Blair. I'm a huge fan of her work.
and...now I'm a fan of yours! Wonderful stuff!
So perfectly nostalgic.
I read in an interview you were working on a children's book. When will it be coming out and what's it called?
I work in kids books and am always keeping my eyes peeled for some good new stuff.
I'll be sure to check out your stuff at Comicon.
Keep up the fabulous work! I especially love the ice cream ad. :)
Aww shuckers, Eren. Everyone, the Hard 8 book will be worth picking up for Eren's color work alone!!!!! Excelsior!
These characters are fun! So unique and lovely!
Thanks for the nice comments Matt and Alina :)
Angela, I'm so glad you enjoy my work! The book I'm working on has yet to be published but as soon as I get the word I will have that information all over my blog :)Thanks so much for the kind words!
Hey! It's very cool to see these (somewhat more angular than your own style) designs with your colour work. The colour is a great compliment to the groovy designs. Cheers!
very well done !
Matt's character's and your SUPERB colors really brought a new, fresh, and totally cool edge to Hard 8!
Comicon is going to be a blast!
man, that clerk sure is a handsome fella.
Man, that Hard 8 sure is one swanky feller. And your colors sure are purty!! So you say I could pick up a copy of this very same Hard 8, a 116-page graphic novel full of your art and that of several other creators, at this year's Comic-Con? The very same Comic-Con coming up in exactly 9 days? You did say that, didn't you? ;) Golly gee wilikers, I'm there!
Wow! I'm glad I found this blog:) Beautiful work!
These characters are great! Nice designs! :D
Them's are some awesome colors Miss Erendida!
Very nice characters.grat designs
Really good characters, keep up the good work!
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