Howdy everyone, here's my entry for Illustration Friday. Topic is Spring and I decided to do an Easter egg color kit. I don't think they design them like this anymore....though I haven't checked the stores. It's been a long time since I've colored eggs. I usually just wind up eating the chocolate ones.
Encouraged by the wonderfully talented Smook, I decided to include the very rough sketch along with the final painting. I wish the sketch looked nicer, but I just don't clean up my work sometimes. I usually work off of the rough sketch and already have in my mind what everything should look like. Don't know if that's the best method of doing things but it works for me most of the time.
Well I must get back to work. Happy Spring everyone!
Color Kit Painting - Painter, Photoshop
Rabbit Sketch - Tombow 2B
Eren, this is simply gorgeous and absolutely beautiful!!!!!! And NO, I don't think they design them like this anymore either, cuz if they did, I'd go dye some eggs right now!
Wonderful illustration Eren! Fun colours and textures, and appealing design to the bunnies! It also brings back fond memories. If they did sell them like this still, they'd definitely be sold out (especially if the price was still 30 cents!) Great rough sketch too, I appreciate you including it.
Thanks for the plug too!
Great style!! I just love it :).Wonderful Illo.
THis is beautiful!! Love the bunnies, and the vintage style look!!
This is great - love the retro feel and it makes me want to go paint some eggs!
Another quasi-vintage-but-totally-Eren winner. Packaging girl, packaging! Great stuff.
Ah what sweet memories of egg dyeing....great retro stuff. Delightful indeed!
Very cute, Miss Erendida!
Lovely piece Eren! I wonder where rabbits like that get such enormous eggs....
Really appealing Eren. So nice. Such a childhood, good feeling illustration.
Eren.. this is AMAZING!!!! So good!!
Beautifully designed, drawn and rendered. I like your retro colors too.
A very pretty painting. Those rabbits do a nice job of coloring those chicken embryo encasements.
Fun ideas and such sweet colours! I always have a thing for easter eggs!
Wow this turned out oh so nice! Great work as always Erin and thanks for including the roughs...always nice to see the process. Lookin' forward to the next post!
really beautiful Eren =]
ooh-I love the vintage fun of this. Very cheery and vibrant indeed. And if they did make kits like that they would be flying off the shelves in all stores. Outstanding work!
Delightful! Reminiscent of old Golden Books!
ooooow haven't been here in a while! Amazing work as usual- such warmth and charm...
Man, when that ostrich gets back to her nest, I hope she appreciates the murals these bunnies put on her babies. Adorable as always Eren!
Very inspiring...beautiful illustration! I just started this blog, and I looked all your illustration. I was very amazed. All the art works have such a great warm feeling and it touched my heart very much. Thank you for the great art :)
so happy and cute i like your style!
I will have to link you to my blog!
Another great one Eren! You really knocked the egg out of the park with this piece....
Very nice illustration! Thanks for posting the rough too:)
These are beautiful. Great colour, great technique. Makes me happy
beautiful illustration
Yeah! It's all been said, but we like your zingy easter egg colouring thingy!
Just beautiful illo Eren,LOVE THE VINTAGE STYLE!!! always nice to back to your blog!! Love the rough :) so simple and later great illo!!Congrants!!
I love your colors! your going in my links!
WOW! I Love it...
and i thing thats good for you >>
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