(Painter, Photoshop, ice cream instead of cake ;)
So about a year ago, right after Comic Con I decided to try out this whole blog thing. I wasn't too familiar with blogs, but I was inspired by tons of artists and I just wanted to make myself produce more work. So I figured I would start a blog and show my work on the web. It's been a fantastic experience, and has allowed me to meet lots of awesome artists. So to everyone who has stopped by my humble little blog, I'd like to say thank you! And I hope you enjoy this illo!

So about a year ago, right after Comic Con I decided to try out this whole blog thing. I wasn't too familiar with blogs, but I was inspired by tons of artists and I just wanted to make myself produce more work. So I figured I would start a blog and show my work on the web. It's been a fantastic experience, and has allowed me to meet lots of awesome artists. So to everyone who has stopped by my humble little blog, I'd like to say thank you! And I hope you enjoy this illo!
Heureux anniversaire Eren ! Et encore merci de nous faire partager ton incroyable travail !!! Philippe ;)
Happy Bloggy Birthday Eren!!!! Bet that was a fast year for you. The net is a better place since you graced us with your images :)
By the way, let me know if one of the local shops will be selling the book. I'll pick it up for sure.
Happy Blog BirthDay Eren, and many more =]
Joyeux anniversaire! C' est ma premiere visite ici, j' ai vu tout, je croix-tres beaux tes dessins. Je reviendrai...
It's my pleasure finally meet you in person. Congratulation to your blog's B-day!! Love the design, so cute!! Last year when my friend talks me into blogging, yours are one of the awesome blogs which inspired me to create a blog of my own. Thank you for all your beautiful inspiring postings!!
Now here's an anniversary well worth celebrating! Yay! One year of serving up wonderful Blanquety blogging goodness!
Happy birfday to the blog that inspired me to start my very own as well!!!!!
You rock Eren!!
Happy First Birthday Blanquet's Blog!
So glad you are blogging, Eren. One year is too short to be inspired by your artwork!
Feliz Cumpleanos!
Echo, Ditto, Repeat!
Merci beaucoup Philippe! et merci Dodos. That's all the French I know! :) Thank you both so much for the kind words.
Donnachada, thanks so much for visiting my blog and always making such encouraging and nice comments!
I think the Hard 8 book will be available at House of Secrets in Burbank...I'll post the info as soon as I find out for certain.
Steve, thanks for visiting often and leaving such kind comments! They are always appreciated :)
Alina, it was great meeting you at Comic Con. Your work is so lovely and your blog is so fun to visit!
Brian, you and me go way back...to beginning drawing at Fullerton. And I'm so happy to have a great friend like you. Thanks for all the encouraging words Master Browe!
Osgood, my dear Osgood. Thanks so much for always stopping by and leaving such nice and funny comments. No one makes me laugh the way you do. And so I thank you.
Richard, thanks so much for all the kind comments on my blog and in person. You're too cool dude.
Garrett, you are one cool dude too. And a good friend :) Thanks for stopping by and leaving such kind comments.
Jason, thanks so much for stopping by! Your work is so awesome! I totally want your book!
The Gute, thanks for the comments en espanol. I love it. And I love your blog too. Muchas gracias!
Alex, thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind words. Your work is so inspiring. You're too cool.
Cedric, thanks so much for all your kind comments! And congrats on your recent blog birthday!
Congrats on Blog B-day 1!
We enjoy your art, Eren; you stand out in the blogiverse. Our #1 is coming up soon...and are sooo glad we started blogging. We've 'met' many amazing talents. It's been inspiring.
Great blog you have.
Here's to many more years!
Happyblogday Eren, nice pic too!
Happy Birthday! I'll look forward to seeing more of your amazing artwork for the next year!!
hi...i'm very glad for you..you have got a beautiful blog and i love your works...they are, very very very cool...you are awesome...happy birthday !!!
Happy Birthday Blog!
I really loooove this illustration!
You should make some cards with this illo! It's so sweet!
and thank you for leaving feedback on my recent post!
Will you be coming to the NYC Comic con?
Happy Happy Birthday! Thank you for all the very inspiring arts!
WOW! I Love it...
and i thing thats good for you >>
เปิดวาร์ป! นัส กนกวรรณ เซ็กซี่จัด!
Thank you!
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